
impunity「impunity 中文」


2022年06月08日 06:42



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tribunal for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with a view to ending the violence and impunity奇怪的是,该决议草案只字未提刚果民主共和国关于国际社会为其建立一个国际刑事法庭以结束暴力和有罪惩罚的要求;具体看语境,可以有好几种不同的翻译1 Criminals deserve punishment这里,quot当quot用deserve最合适了2 The guilty will be punished!这是在电影ltThe Punisher的介绍里有的一句原文翻译成中文罪者当罚以上。

翻译齐景公在牛山游览 一译文 齐景公在牛山游览,向北观望他的国都临淄城而流着眼泪说“真美啊,我的国都草木浓密茂盛,我为什么还要随着时光的流逝离开这个国都而去死亡呢假使古代没有死亡的人,那我将离开此地到;vacation,mustshouldought to,generic,donate,explain,respect,trust,impunity。

One cannot commit crimes with impunity一个人不能犯了罪不受惩罚It is impossible not to commit mistake不犯错误是不可能的He refused to commit himself on the subject关於那个问题,他拒绝表明自己的态度He;Before you leave, some things should tell you to combine learning and interests cannot let he lied with impunity he is trying to win back his customers。

impunity 中文

1、机译的,太多了 3, QA the value of 1 Protection systems Business enterprise system in effect equivalent to the law, if failure to abide by the lax enforcement, impunity, the course of time the system is。

2、impunity 英#618m#712pjun#601ti美#618m#712pjun#618tin不受惩罚,无罪 不受损失例句1They have allowed america to finance its massive currentaccount deficit with apparent。

3、Free throws, 35 seconds left home, talk Casually it away McGrady is in a word impunity! No time pant, McGrady steals dashed 3point attempts, three Biao radio Ball Goal! McGrady also steals Game。

4、no one has impunity 没有人逍遥法外 impunity 逍遥法外 双语对照 词典结果impunity 英#618m#712pjun#601ti美#618m#712pjun#618tin不受惩罚,无罪 不受损失例句1No one。

5、1读音英 #712w#618m#618nz de#618,美 #712w#618m#618nz de#6182释义妇女节3例句This year#39s International Women#39s Day is devoted to ending impunity for。

impunity「impunity 中文」


7、quotRevenge of the first step is to ensure their personal safety, otherwise, hatred is not reported, but the first killed himself, leaving the enemy with impunity, so that it not be more tragic than the。

8、The boat could brave any leak with impunity brave 在这里是不及物动词,勇敢的面对,后面必须加名词 所以说with impunity 不是brave的宾语,只能是状语 改成上面的句式就好理解了。


You no matter what praise him too much 你无论怎样称赞他都不过分 I won#39t tolerate you break the rules with impunity 我不会容忍你违反校规而不受惩罚 嘿嘿,正确的。

quot he reflects quot I think there is the feeling that impunity is no longer guaranteedquot一个希望迹象麦克莱恩被罢免后,他离开拉巴斯到哈佛大学参加研究工作但在拉巴斯后期所发生的事件让他略感欣慰,并对该市。

Some two kind of rumors White lie and malicious rumorAll is not the real words which compiles,but the white lie is refers not not sadly for others sad saidThe malicious rumor is not punished for。

impunity「impunity 中文」

未成年女孩Underage girlthe girl not yet of age 例句1塞恩教练,别靠近未成年女孩Coach Sain, step away from the underage girls2她的女儿还没有成年Her daughter is the girl that not yet of。

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